Seigen: A Super Nutrient

By Morie Sekiguchi, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Director Akasaka Sekiguchi Clinic

Currently there is an increasingly popular theory that friendly bacteria called lactobacilli suppress the development of non beneficial bacteria inside the intestines.

The greatest of the good bacteria, bifidobacteria, have been shown to eliminate non beneficial matter and strengthen the body’s immune system. Bifidobacteria is a very popular health food ingredient for these reasons.

Some yogurt contains lactobacilli that will reach as far as the intestines, but generally they are too weak to do so and most of them cannot survive stomach acids. Therefore more powerful lactobacillus fermented extracts have been sought.

Seigen is the ultimate answer to the search for lactobacillus fermented extracts. It is a product of the symbiotic culturing of a dozen different strains of effective bacteria with four strains of yeast, and it contains the strongest of all digestion-enhancing metabolites in existence.

Seigen is a super nutrient without any side effects, and I believe it is important for it to be accepted worldwide as an evidence–based natural supplement.